Saturday, February 16, 2019

Jayraj Builders Review: How I found my dream home in Vadodara

When it came to buying my dream house, I always had a specific idea in my mind. My idea of a dream home was pretty simple – a home with hut shape and a balcony. I always wished for a duplex house with a swing on terrace. I also like greenery a lot so I want to have mini garden on the terrace which would provide fresh air.

In addition to these pretty basic things, I also dreamt of having a rocking chair which I would place in my balcony and can have meaningful talk with my partner while sitting on that. I always wanted my family to eat together so I also wanted a small dining table with an open kitchen.

But that was it for me. After all, dream homes are just ‘dreams’, and dreams seldom come true. However, I found my dream realized when I visited Aishwarya by Jayraj Builders Vadodara.

Standing true to its name, Aishwarya indeed was an embodiment of luxury combined with simplicity.
Aishwarya is caressed by fresh breezes from the Arabian Sea and bathed in rich sunlight, and is located in the elite Race Course are of Vadodara. The project offers an unhindered view of the surroundings with the complete absence of any tall structures in the vicinity of the project site.

The luxury living project by Jayraj Builders comes with 80 per cent open space, of which 35 per cent is gardens. The 20 per cent space which has been utilized for construction houses the residential structures which provide the inhabitants with a premium experience.

Be it the design of the apartments, or the unrestricted view of the surroundings – it was love at first sight for me when I visited Aishwarya with a prospect to book an apartment. The open terraces, spacious apartments and stimulating gardens at the front – all fitted to my idea of a dream home.
I knew that this is it – my dream home.

I feel thankful to Jayraj Builders for giving me my dream home.

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